Joe Ley Estate Antique Online Auction
1:00 PM *
Wednesday, October 26 2022
Buyer's Premium
10% Buyer’s Premium added to the hammer bid price to determine the final purchase price.
Sales Tax
6% Kentucky Sales Tax
Personal Property Terms
Payment by Cash, Check or Credit Card in USD *
- Credit card accepted with 3% convenience fee.
- Payment by check may be subject to a 10-day bank clearance for out of state and buyers unknown to the auction company.
- Shipping available at buyer’s expense.
- Monday, October 24, 1PM – 3PM
- Or Contact Us for a Private Showing
Condition report not provided. Please view detailed photos closely as they are part of the description.
Pick Up
- Thursday, October 27, 10:00AM – 4:30PM
Schedule pick-up by appointment only. Curbside pick-up will be available for most items. Buyers are responsible for packing, loading, and moving all items purchased without assistance from the Harritt Group. Bring your own help and equipment to load your items.
Mr. Joe Ley, truly a Louisville legend and the iconic owner of Joe Ley Antiques, has passed away and we want to extend our deepest sympathy to his family. Joe Ley Antiques was known as Louisville’s epicenter of all things eclectic and off the wall for nearly 60 years and included a mass collection of local history and memorabilia. Available exclusively at online auction and offered in multiple sessions are hand-picked items from their Louisville business complex, off-site warehouses, and Joe’s personal private collection. GODSPEED JOE.
Joe Ley Antiques hand lettered shop sign, Funeral No Parking cast bronze sign, Putnam Dyes wood store display cabinet, early double sided Harlem Ladies Tailor & Furrier metal sign, Danger Watch for Trucks metal sign, double sided Tools & Saw Sharpened metal sign, Duke’s Mixture Smoking Tobacco metal display rack, Columbia Grafonola Jos. Fodor sign, double sided Clabber Girl Baking Powder metal sign, Jeremiah Weed 100 Proof, Sterling Beer, Stroh’s, Heineken Holland Beer, Magnum Malt Liquor, Busch Beer & Southern Comfort mirrors, Sterling Beer lighted sign, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer sign, framed Braumeister Beer sign, 2 Falls City Beer pin up posters, Coca Cola Talk About Good cowboy poster, Modern Shoe Repairing flange sign, Enameline The Modern Stove Polish flange sign, 21” Sterling glass beer bottle, Dr. Pepper yellow soft drink wood case, Coca Cola bottle metal sign, stained & leaded glass EXIT sign, Keep Hands Out of Moving Machinery hand lettered metal sign, Hires Root Beer metal sign, Hood’s Plymouth Line School Shoes metal sign, Do Not Block Switches hand lettered sign, Harrisons Town & Country Paint embossed metal sign, Queen Insurance Company brass sign, Odin 5 Cent Cigar embossed sign, The Crossett Shoe double sided sign, Scottish Union And National Insurance Company framed advertisement, Pratts Poultry Regulator wood bucket, Niagara Bakery wood box, Lautz Bros. Big Acme Soap wood crate, America’s Favorite Arbuckles’ Coffee embossed sign, America Wines Paul and Virginia serving tray, Optimo Cigar tin humidor, Beech-Nut coffee tin, Lord Calvert coffee tin, Uneeda Bakers tin, Butter Crackers tin, Coca-Cola wave wood soft drink case, Continental Fire Insurance brass Fife & Drum Corps plaque, U.S. Army Join the Cavalry recruiting poster, Grow With Us Tank Corps recruiting poster, Men Wanted for the Army recruiting poster, U.S. Army Signal Corps recruiting poster, fire escape lighted box sign, Smoke Piedmont Cigarettes folding advertising chair, Chesterfield Cigarettes store display, first aid double hanging sign, Danger Railroad Switching stenciled metal sign, Fitch’s Shampoo Barber shop display cabinet, Copenhagen Chewing Tobacco sign, Eureka Harness sign, Buddy Lee Jeans cowboy doll, National Amount Purchased cash register topper, Autocat Pure Coffee 3-pound tin, Dickinson’s Little Buster Popcorn tin, KC Baking Powder tins, Elkay Deluxe Plums tin, 1997 Cigarettes store sign, advertising candy boxes, Drink Delaware punch tin sign, Fire Escape directional sign, Black Draught Laxative wall dispenser, 1908 The Allen Bath Apparatus Fountain shower, Kentucky Fried Chicken type printing blocks, 2 Walter Dendy Sadler etchings, 1921 Man O’War lithograph by J. Martin, 1914 feather art bird collage, 1909 Trotter, Scott & Co. calendar and 1891 Dixon’s Stove Polish poster.
George Washington cast bronze fireplace andirons, Weber illuminated leaded stained glass antique casket stand, 1800’s Victorian baby carriage, 4’ Pegasus stallion statue, early stenciled child’s sleigh, early child’s tricycle, folk art carnival bicycle game of chance wheel, wooden speakeasy window, articulated life size clown, cast iron clipper ship door stop mantle lamp, cast bronze art deco elevator floor dial, 2 early hand carved wooden duck decoys, brown leather aviator pilot helmet & goggles, Duquesne statuary wishing well bank, wooden wall mount barber pole light, folk art cowboy whirl-a-gig, miniature Jack Daniel’s & Makers Mark whiskey bottles, faux birdseye maple tin vanity box, chrome art deco Greyhound hood ornament, German Easter Bunny paper mache candy containers, Sandeman Port & Sherry Wine Don man cast sculpture, Junior’s Baby-Fund chalk piggy bank, basket full of carnival tickets, modern woman’s torso mannequin, primitive shoe shine box & step stool, 1800’s wood rocking horse, ornate wood gingerbread house trim, German Glockenspiel xylophone, 24-slot hotel umbrella stand, 1800’s reverse painted federal style home mantle clock, yellow metal 3-sided triple traffic signal light, black plastic three light traffic signal, wooden tennis rackets & 1915 hat, National Cycloidal Furnace salesman sample, Kelsey Corrugated Furnace salesman sample, Fleur De Lis poker ship wood caddy, snare drum, snapback trucker hats, Quick Meal Stove enameled door, 3 burled wood photo frames, polar cub desk fan, glass storage jars full of sewing buttons & wood spools, ribbed beehive glass storage jar, Gaskell Chambers Beer pump handles, Sanford’s Genuine Library Paste crock, Boy Scout of American official first aid kit, blue enamel pail, brown enamel coffee pot, National galvanized washboard, Soap Saver washboardd, wooded slotted mail organizer, National cast brass ticket box, early French mens top hat, Dunlap & Co. top hat, U.S. Army mens visor, child’s tin lithograph sand bucket, cast iron enameled spittoon, porcelain greyhound dog figurines, brass greyhound figurines, English Whippet dog porcelain figurine, chromecast dog figurines, ceramic hunt scene pitcher with dog handle, porcelain Englishman tobacco jar, bicycle accessories, dovetailed wood box of padlocks, Asbestos sad irons & advertising paperweights, brown salt glazed stoneware jar with handle, Zenith transoceanic wave radio, hand crank cecilian melophonic portable phonograph, Roger Bros. silverplate flatware, 9’ First Aid equipment locker, wood carpenters tool chest, wood painted four drawer card file box, collection of oak storage drawers, Mayan Aztec colorful ladies wrap skirt, woman store mannequin, ladies dress & dress form, 3’ solid brass candle holder, 19 wooden shoe forms, Knights Templar ceremonial sword, chapeau, cap belt & sash, bamboo carnival canes, Bundy Vincent Bach trombone, Philco art deco cathedral radio, Macgill First Aid supplies box, cast iron Eagle miniature cook stove, miniature Victorian doll dresser and cast iron No. 8 tea kettle.
Frank Fehr – Fehr Brewing Company Louisville Kentucky Masonic 32nd. Degree ceremonial skull cross bone sword, Falls City Beer clipper ship advertisement sign, autographed Harland Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken Porky Pig House menu, 21” Fehr’s glass beer bottle, W. Hill St. embossed metal street sign, pair of Falls City Beer store display signs, Altsheler Perfection Brand store display bin, Colgan’s Taffy Tolu Chewing Gum glass display jar, Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. wall calendar, local Louisville bar B&W photo, Churchill Downs Spring Meet poster, Nite & Day house number sign, L.T. Bomar B&W locomotive train photograph, framed shipping tag from Clover Hill Green County, KY, 1910 Kentucky Derby Winner Donau framed photo, Slim Miller Oertels ‘92 Beer photo, Knadler Pickling Cider & Vinegar crock, Male High felt pennant, Fulton Conway purchase journals, Rolled Oats & Quaker Oats advertising boxes, 1934 Commodore Birchfield Penner family photos, 1917 Louisville Boys High School playbill, Little America Louisville Normal School Alumnae poster and an early Kentucky State Fair framed poster.
Antique mooing toy cow, early stuffed mechanical wind-up polar bear, 1930’s Gendron Fire Chief pedal car, Radio Flyer 90 child’s wagon, early Schoenhut Big Game Hunter & Buffalo toy target, Steelcraft pressed steel toy dump truck, German monkey carnival ride pull toy, folk art wooden animal pull toy, early horse pull toy, Wyandotte pressed steel toy dump truck, Wyandotte pressed steel toy dump truck, Buick Roadmaster convertible model car, Linemar Mickey Mouse drummer, cast iron horse drawn buckboard wagon toy, Marx push tail tin cat, toy revolvers, Gilbert Tele-Set telegraph toy, Marx roadside rest service station, 1930’s pressed steel toy bus, early wind-up bell ringing toy, early saw mill toy with windmill, 1924 Cubeb Cigarettes “The Saucey Smoker” boudoir doll, early German Dutch boy & girl musical crank toy, rolling clothes wringer, wooden horse pull toys, Occupied Japan celluloid ice cream vendor wind-up toy, celluloid Gentleman Easter rabbit, clown wind-up toy, cast iron mechanical rooster shooting target, celluloid dancing couples wind-up toys, 2 early stuffed mohair teddy bears, celluloid baby doll, sheep pull toy, Easter Bunny candy container, See-Hear-Speak No Evil monkey figurine, folk art wooden donkey silhouette, celluloid child’s toothbrush & paste holder, miniature old hickory settee & rocker, Burago Williams FW08 & Tyrrell P34 model race cars, Tonka and other die cast model cars, The Big Bos of stick’em pictures, Parker Brothers Round Up game, Touring the Great Automobile card game and cast iron horse drawn carriage toys.
Fontaine Ferry Park cast aluminum horse & jockey figurines, roller skates & carrying case, Southern Belle with dog chalk figurine, painted chalk dog figurine, chalk Kewpie baby figurine, painted chalk dog with blue collar bank figurine, chalk frog planter, chalk circus baton twirler figurine, chalk cockatiel bird figurine, Leo Seltzer walkathon framed memorabilia, barrel of fun framed photograph & token, chalk collie dog figurine bank, chalk rooster figurine, chalk Charlie McCarthy, waxed over paper cups, Frontier Village framed B&W photograph, Kosair Crippled Children Hospital Day at the Park memorabilia, 1890’s German newspaper advertisement, life size man mannequin, slat back & bottom chairs, wood plaque from The Comet roller coaster, chalk cat & pig figurines, chalk dog ashtray & bookend, 7 carnival canes and carnival dog head cane.
Large French style four door china cabinet, French style oak armoire, antique Victorian walnut slant top desk, antique Victorian burled walnut cylinder bookcase desk, Victorian walnut four tier corner what knot display shelf, green painted wood bucket bench, Imperial Grand Rapids hand painted nesting tables and wrought iron & oak lectern.
I-65 to I-64 East to Story Avenue exit. Continue 1 block to left on N. Spring Street to left on Mellwood Avenue. Travel dast just past Frankfort Avenue to auction on right.
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