Mid-Century, Antique & Collectible Online Auction
2:00 pm *
Monday, June 22
Buyer's Premium
10% Buyer’s Premium added to the hammer bid price to determine the final purchase price.
Sales Tax
7% Indiana Sales Tax
Personal Property Terms
Cash, Check or Credit Card *
- Payment by credit card online before pickup. 3% convenience fee.
- Payment by cash or check at pickup. May be subject to a 10-day bank clearance for out of state and buyers unknown to the auction company.
Contact us to schedule an appointment.
Pick Up
Scheduled pick-up by appointment only.
- Curbside pick-up will be available for most items.
- Buyers are responsible for packing, loading, and moving all items purchased without assistance from the Harritt Group. Bring your own help and equipment to load your items.
Available through The UPS Store on smaller items at the buyer’s expense.
Selling online at auction an eclectic collection of mid-century and antique furniture, collectibles, and household items including Dietz fire department lanterns, Parker Rye advertising jug, trench art, Lou Hodges wall unit, cube tables, pedestal tables, Dansk cookware, Dickens villages, Hadley pottery and much more. This collection was moved to our Grandview Auction Center from a Floyds Knobs home.
Two (2) Dietz King Fire Department kerosene lanterns, circa 1900, with copper-plated font and red glass globe, marked Dietz Fitzall New York, U.S.A. and LOC NO 8 patent date 3-10-14.
Industrial oak two-drawer table, Victorian sewing rocker, 1800’s stencil armchair, Windsor style rush bottom chair, oak washstand with towel rack, Victorian 3/4 full-size iron bed frame, Victorian square oak dining table, round oak pedestal dining table, 1940’s full-size 3-piece bedroom suite, oak kitchen cupboard top, youth step back kitchen cupboard, and (4) oak children’s classroom chairs.
Mid-Century modern Lou Hodges wall unit, pair of Mid-century cube side tables, (4) iron barstools with woven wicker seats, late 20th-century oak pedestal dining table, pair of hanging display cabinets, and Singer Special Zig-Zag Model 648 console sewing machine.
Miniature Parker Rye Louisville, KY whiskey stoneware jug, World War 1 embossed shell trench art vase, barn pulleys, hay hooks & ice tongs, brass gauges & faces, wicker baby carriage, copper wash boiler, galvanize sprinkler can, retro kitchenware, primitive country antiques, vintage Kodak & Pickwick cameras, oak wall phone, vintage American Flyer freight train set, blue Ball Mason canning jars, stoneware mixing bowls, retro black & white panoramic photos, vintage framed Ulysses S. Grant print titled “Ransom’s Masterpiece”, 1915 Indiana embalmer’s framed license, travel spoons, wooden textile spools, vintage Walt Disney and other children’s comic books, two (2) waterfall furniture drawers, 45 & 78 RPM records, J.B. Garton limited edition mallard & resting duck, leather purses, retro doll furniture & toy Condor grand piano, Conner Prairie framed print, and more.
Dansk Kobenstyle brown enamel cookware, MA Hadley Pottery, silverplate flatware, and serving utensils, Noritake China dinnerware, decorative china & glassware, Dickens Village Christmas villages, and others, Aurora Tubbs snowshoes, bushel & half-bushel baskets, and more.
Two (2) cast iron sad irons, Chicago hammered cast iron # 78 dutch oven, Griswold #3 skillet, Griswold #5 skillet, corn stick pan, and a Favorite Piqua Ware #3 skillet.
Lots will end 30 seconds apart.
To prevent bid sniping, last-minute bids will extend individual lots using our ‘soft-close’ functionality.
- If a bid is placed in the last 10 minutes, the lot will remain open for an additional 10 minutes.
- If any further bidding occurs, the extension timer will reset to 10 minutes.
- If no further bidding occurs, the lot closes when the timer runs out.
I-64 to Edwardsville Georgetown Exit 118. West 1/4 mile on St. Rd. 62 to left on Corydon Pike. 1/8 mile on left.