Multi Consigner Auction
August 27th
1:00 pm
Harritt Grandview Auction Center
4704 Corydon Pike, New Albany, IN
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Selling the following furniture, antiques, tools and collectibles at the Grandview Auction Center. Highlights include Hoosier Cabinets, cobbler’s chair, stoneware, quilts, dough bowls and Powermate generator.
(2) Hoosier cabinets, Streil Shakespeare cobbler chair, brass bed, jelly cupboard, antique desk, oak rocking chair, (2) claw and ball foot tables, Dr. Price’s oak ice box, dining table with table leaves and (6) chairs and ornate hall tree.
Dozens of stoneware crocks and jugs, Wunderlich galvanized bucket, hand woven rugs, Bally Gold Ball pinball machine (needs repairs), 60+ pieces of pink depression glass, yellow depression glass, Pyrex dishes, cherry pitter, kitchen grinders, military helmets, Marx The Big Parade toy, Joseph Scheider Carnival game, glass water jugs, Gone With The Wind lamps, oil lamps, (2) Noah’s Ark models, butter molds, galvanized minnow bucket, sugar bucket, Winchester wrench, railroad wrenches and other antique tools, cookie jars, metal gas cans, antique glass bottles, viewfinder with dozens of cards, large selection of wood handle kitchen utensils, doug bowls, Louisville stoneware, White Rotary sewing machine, several hens on the nest, dutch ovens, galvanized and brass buckets, pulleys, vintage LPs, large selection of marbles, vintage wood sleds, cast iron molds, Sacred Heart sick call last rights box, Christmas plates, cracker tins, Louis L’Amour books, Boy Scout uniform, Coats and Clark thread cabinet, piano babies, broad axe, doilies, copper pitchers, (2) deer mounts, vintage baby carriage, antique wooden bird cage and much more.
15+ colorful hand-stitched quilts.
Powermate 5000 watt generator, Toro push mower, Poulan 295 pro chainsaw, Husqvarna 125L straight shaft weedeater, Echo PB-251 gas blower, Craftsman electric blower, push seeder, Craftsman table saw, Minn Kota trolling motor, come alongs, yard, hand and power tools, Winchester and Remington rifle and shotgun ammo, (3) BB guns, pump sprayer and tool boxes.
GE electric range, IU cornhole boards, large selection of plastic totes and organizers, solar landscape lights, modern toys, plastic oars, electric lamps, DVDs and more.
I-64 to Georgetown Edwardsville Exit #118. West on IN 62 1/4 mile to left on Corydon Pike to auction on left.