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Thank you for all your time and effort in creating auctions for our parents’ estate that exceeded our expectations. We are also grateful for the special care the Harritt Group provided in handling the treasures our parents collected over their lifetimes.
It was important for us to deal with people and companies that were honest and dependable. During our research and interviews, time and again we were told the Harritt Group did a great job and are trustworthy. That cinched it for us. TRUSTWORTHY was the key factor in choosing the Harritt Group.

Throughout the many months of working together gathering and selling our parents’ estate and home, we, too, came to TRUST the Harritt Group. We felt comfortable having you walk around our family home organizing our parents’ treasures. We valued your honesty in returning personal items that were never meant for the auction. We also appreciated our frequent conversations and openness to answer quickly our many questions. Your reputation of trustworthiness is well-earned and true.

We will be forever grateful to Harritt Group for your dedication, honesty, kindness, thoroughness, going the extra mile, and professionalism during this difficult time. In the end, you created an auction experience that was easy and enjoyable.

In Gratitude,
Teresa Vessels and The Vessels Family

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